愛爾蘭發燒美聲天后瑪麗黑25年精選大碟,首度以黑膠推出,收錄她出道25年的23首暢銷金曲,包括: Katie, I Will Be There, By The Time It Gets Dark, Babes In The Wood, No Frontiers, Song For Ireland, Your Love, The Land Of Love等等,精美雙封套設計,附上全部歌詞,可以跟著瑪麗黑一起唱,她甜美溫暖的嗓音永遠讓人無法忘懷,她演唱的歌曲更是發燒友不變的選擇。原裝歐洲版,限量發行,不可錯過!!(內附英文歌詞)
曲目: Disc One – Side 1 1. Katie 1987 2. Past the Point of Rescue 1989 3. I Will Be There 1997 4. Sonny 1991 With Emmlou Harris and Dolores Keane 1991 5. Adam at the Window 1991 6. Wonder Child 1995 Disc One – Side 2 1. Bright Blue Rose 1991 2. The Land of Love 2005 3. Song for Ireland 1988 4. By The Time It Gets Dark 1987 5. Babes in the Wood 1991 6. As I Leave Behind Neidin 1986 Disc Two – Side 1 1.No Frontiers 1989 2. Still Believing 1991 3. Once in a very Blue Moon 1987 4. Only a Woman's Heart 1992 With Eleanor McEvoy 5. Summer Sent You 1993 6. Don't Say Okay 1999 Disc Two – Side 2 1. Carolina Rua 1989 2. Bless the Road 1999 3. Flesh and Blood 1993 4. Your Love 2005 5. Anachie Gordon 1983 |