Auryn Quartet:THE AURYN SERIES Auryn’s Beethoven L.v. Beethoven:String Quartets.Vol. 3 of 4 op.95,127,132 本片榮獲德國音響專業網站Klassik Heute滿分大賞。「貝多芬絃樂四重奏」向來被視為四重奏作品中的瑰寶,因需高度默契搭配,以及純熟演奏技巧,常令音樂家們生畏。這套由TACET耗時兩年,以罕見的頂級真空管設備錄製完成的珍貴版本,使用兩隻價值連城的Neumann M49古董麥克風收音,找來歐洲多項大獎得主「奧倫四重奏」擔綱演出,優雅和諧的詮釋風格中,充滿細緻浪漫的動人演繹,無論是技巧、默契還是錄音皆已達爐火純青的境界,處處流露無懈可擊的藝術質感。精準的樂器定位、逼真的解析力、綿密的層次感,加上自然的音場表現,肯定又會是讓您荷包大量失血的美豔。 曲目: CD1 Quartet in F Minor op.95 01. Allegro con brio 02. Allegretto ma non troppo 03. Allegro assai vivace ma serioso 04. Larghetto espressivo - Allegretto agitato Quartet in E flat Major op.127 05. Maestoso - Allegro 06. Adagio, ma non troppo e molto cantabile 07. Scherzando vivace 08. Finale CD2 Quqrtet in A Minor op.132 01. Assai sostenuto - Allegro 02. Allegro ma non tanto 03. Molto adagio 04. Alla Marcia, assai vivace - più allegro 05. Allegro appassionato |
“With their expressive timbre and the technical excellence of the recording, the Auryn Quartet need not fear the competition, even though there is already a multitude of recordings in existence.” (Hartmut Lück, Klassik-heute) There is no shortage of great and famous Beethoven Cycles, but there are no performances such as these. For me, this is now the set to beat. (Laurence Vittes) |