本片榮獲音響專業雜誌Stereoplay滿分大賞,並拿下Classical Internet Award【年度最佳室內樂專輯】殊榮。「貝多芬絃樂四重奏」向來被視為四重奏作品中的瑰寶,因需高度默契搭配,以及純熟演奏技巧,常令音樂家們生畏。這套由TACET耗時兩年,以罕見的頂級真空管設備錄製完成的珍貴版本,使用兩隻價值連城的Neumann M49古董麥克風收音,找來歐洲多項大獎得主「奧倫四重奏」擔綱演出,優雅和諧的詮釋風格中,充滿細緻浪漫的動人演繹,無論是技巧、默契還是錄音皆已達爐火純青的境界,處處流露無懈可擊的藝術質感。精準的樂器定位、逼真的解析力、綿密的層次感,加上自然的音場表現,肯定又會是讓您荷包大量失血的美豔之物。 曲目 : CD1 Quartet in F Major op.18 no.1 01. Allegro con brio 02. Adagio affettuoso ed appassionato 03. Scherzo. Allegro molto 04. Allegro Quartet in G Major op.18 no.2 05. Allegro 06. Adagio cantabile 07. Scherzo Allegro 08. Allegro molto quasi Presto Quartet in D Major op.18 no.3 09. Allegro 10. Andante con moto 11. Allegro 12. Presto CD2 Quartet in C Minor op.18 no.4 01. Allegro ma non tanto 02. Scherzo. Andante scherzoso quasi Allegretto 03. Menuetto. Allegretto 04. Allegro Quartet in A Major op.18 no.5 05. Allegro 06. Menuetto 07. Andante cantabile 08. Allegro Quartet in B flat Major op.18 no.6 09. Allegro con brio 10. Adagio ma non troppo 11. Scherzo. Allegro 12. La Malinconia. Adagio - Allegretto quasi Allegro
"[...] The Auryn Quartet have been working with TACET for years now. And those of you who are in the know will appreciate what that means:... the challenges for a quartet formation from playing Beethoven’s works mean picking up the tensions in the score and hanging on to them. The Auryn Quartet is not only equal to this task: they really seem to gain strength and fun from this field of tension. To be able to play at this level, the musicians constantly have to redefine the boundaries between respect for the other players and healthy self-interest. Playing in a quartet seems to have become a life elixir for the four Auryns: for twenty-three years now they have been rising to greater and greater heights. With the Quartets op. 18 by Beethoven they have definitely reached a peak. We await eagerly the promised continuation of their complete collection of Beethoven’s Quartets." (WDR Hörzeichen) There is no shortage of great and famous Beethoven Cycles, but there are no performances such as these. For me, this is now the set to beat. (Laurence Vittes) |