義大利古協奏樂之父韋瓦第 巴洛克時期最輝煌的天籟樂音 古典發燒廠TACET精緻再現 韋瓦第是巴洛克時期最富創造力的多產作曲家之一,在世時即以歌劇、神劇和奏鳴曲聞名,光是協奏曲就有四百首以上,他引用前人的音樂語法及概念,以豐富的思維將巴洛克協奏曲風格帶入嶄新的領域,他的曲式清晰、結構平穩、旋律如歌抒情,其對比與發展也很自然。古典時期如音樂之父巴哈頗受他曲式的影響,也常引用他的小提琴與弦樂曲主題作古鋼琴曲或組曲。古典派大師海頓與莫札特早期作品亦皆遵循他的風格。韋瓦第可以說是古代演奏音樂的宗師,對於早期協奏曲有很大的影響,因之世人尊他為古協奏曲之父。 本張〈韋瓦第協奏曲集〉由德國古典發燒廠牌TACET,與所在地最傑出的斯圖加特室內樂團攜手打造,成立於1945年的斯圖加特室內樂團,目前由國際知名的指揮家Michael Hofstetter領軍,與團內多位德國知名古典音樂家,包括本張專輯特別邀請來的客座小提琴手Ariadne Daskalakis,演奏多首韋瓦第的協奏曲,種類多元,如三把小提琴的協奏曲RV551,巴洛克時期優美精緻的器樂旋律,完美呈現古典樂輝煌年代的起源,古典愛樂迷,怎麼錯過如此精彩大碟? 曲目: CD1 1. Concerto for 3 Violins and Orchestra in F major, RV 551 (Allegro) 2. Andante 3. (Allegro) 4. Concerto for Violin, Violoncello and Orchestra in B flat major, RV 547 Allegro (moderatio) 5. Andante 6. Allegro molto 7. Concerto for 4 Violins and Orchestra in E minor, RV 550 Andante 8. Allegro assai 9. Adagio 10. Allegro 11. Concerto for 2 Violincellos and Orchestra in G minor, RV 537 Allegro 12. Largo 13. Allegro 14. Concerto for 2 Violins and Orchestra in A minor, RV 522 Allegro 15. Larghetto e spiritoso 16. Allegro 17. Concerto for 4 Violas and Orchestra in E minor, RV 580 Allegro 18. Larghetto 19. Allegro 20. Arie “Il figlio, il reo” from: “Tito Manlio”, RV 738 arr. for Double Bass and Orchestra by Iain MacPhail |
The Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra is not made up exclusively of orphan boys - quite the contrary! On this CD, the "Schwabenstreicher" (Swabian string players), as they like to refer to themselves, take on the roles of the orphan girls taught by Antonio Vivaldi and for whom he wrote countless concertos. In the supplementary text, Thomas Seedorf reports that the schoolgirls were all so eager to learn that they could take on whatever solo parts they liked. And because the present-day orphan girls - led by Ariadne Daskalakis - were so full of energy, they took care of seven pieces at once - in one go, as the title gives away. We wish you much enjoyment listening to all of these various impulses, personal timbres and effervescent interpretative ideas! |