TACET194 馬可士‧薛莫 / 貝多芬:鋼琴奏鳴曲,作品27、作品49 Markus Schirmer / Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven
Piano Sonatas
op.27 No.1&2「Moonlight」
op.49 No.1&2
and other works
Markus Schirmer,piano
供貨狀況: 尚有庫存



在這張鋼琴家馬可士•薛莫TACET的第三張貝多芬鋼琴作品錄音中,收錄了貝多芬作品編號2749的各兩首鋼琴奏鳴曲,以及在波昂時期創作的「六首瑞士歌謠變奏曲」等鋼琴曲目。其中作品27-2就是貝多芬最知名的第十四鋼琴奏鳴曲「月光」,貝多芬在這首曲子與作品27-1樂譜上都採用了「幻想曲風」(quasi una fantasia)的字樣,展現出如夢似幻的朦朧風味,而被後人稱為「月光」。介於這兩首「幻想曲風」鋼琴奏鳴曲之間,馬可士•薛莫特別安排了五首如珠玉一般的短小曲目,讓整張專輯呈現出有別於一般貝多芬鋼琴奏鳴曲錄音的夢幻成份,馬可士•薛莫的詮釋細膩獨特,加上Fazioli F-278鋼琴獨有的柔美琴音與TACET自然寫實的真空管錄音,讓這張專輯成為不可多得的鋼琴錄音傑作! 

演奏家:馬可士•薛莫(Markus Schirmer) 
1963年出生於奧地利第二大城格拉茲的馬可士•薛莫,曾師事Rudolf KerhrerKarl-Heinz KammeriingPaul Badura-Skoda等鋼琴巨擘,後來屢獲各項鋼琴比賽大獎肯定,於世界各地登台時更掀起一陣旋風,演奏實力深厚。馬可士•薛莫目前擔任格拉茲音樂與表演藝術大學的教授,並以獨奏家的身份在世界各地巡迴演出。 

Sonata E flat major op. 27 No. 1 (quasi una fantasia) 
01. Andante–Allegro 
02. Allegro molto e vivace 
03. Adagio con espressione 
04. Allegro vivace 

Sonata G minor op. 49 No. 1 
05. Andante 
06. Rondo. Allegro 

Sonata G major op. 49 No. 2 
07. Allegro ma non troppo 
08. Tempo di Menuetto 
09. Six Variations on a Swiss Song F major WoO 64 

Sonatina G major anh. 5 No. 1 
10. Moderato 
11. Romanze 

Sonatina F major anh. 5 No. 2 
12. Allegro assai 
13. Rondo. Allegro 

Sonata C sharp minor op. 27 No. 2 "Moonlight" (quasi una fantasia) 
14. Adagio sostenuto 
15. Allegretto–Trio 
16. Presto agitato
Ludwig van Beethoven, alongside Schubert, is without doubt one of Markus Schirmer's preferred composers. A good deal of supporting evidence for this claim can be provided. For example, he seems to harbour a certain predilection for the whimsical, as his selection of pieces shows: The "Variations on a Swiss Song" appear in the central position on the recording, framed by the "easy" Sonatas, Op. 49 and two Sonatinas from the works' supplement. The beginning and end, however, are the two Sonatas, Op. 27 encompassing an enormous range of different moods. Among these are an impetuous impulsiveness that does not even shy away from coarseness, as well as extraterrestrial stillness - everything from plain cosiness to screaming desperation. There can be no doubt that whoever places such works next to each other loves this composer without reservations. Is it any wonder that Markus Schirmer is not alone in this? Just look it up - Beethoven is probably the composer who appears most frequently on our small label. TACET already has all the string quartets, all the piano trios, all the symphonies except one and a whole series of piano sonatas - where will it all lead to?