~親愛的,我把搖滾變成爵士樂了~ 將經典名曲改編成爵士樂曲不新奇,但若能改編得讓歐美樂評界一致鼓掌叫好可就非常罕見了。「莫斯金樂團」首張同名專輯大膽挑戰麥可傑克森、齊柏林飛船、警察合唱團、平克佛洛衣德等暢銷作品,以典雅、高貴的輕爵士樂風付予全新面貌。原本只是在myspace網路空間上提供樂友欣賞,瑞典國家廣播公司音樂總監聽到他們演唱I Can’t Help It後驚為天人,立即將莫斯金樂團引入日本發燒爵士大廠S2S,發行首張同名專輯即勢如破竹攻佔20多國排行榜。靈魂人物是女主唱Caroline,她的嗓音如「史黛西肯特」精緻,卻更渾厚豐沛,演唱技巧更是沒話說的一流;瑞典樂評以「爵士樂影后」稱呼她,足見多變的聲音表情,歌詞每分情感都拿捏得恰到好處。由Caroline來詮釋多位搖滾男歌手的經典曲目,是名副其實的改頭換面,既優雅又舒服。當然,還有令發燒樂迷驚喜的是北歐新生代混音大師Per Angkvist替本輯擔任錄音掌舵手,將爵士四重奏的音場調得完美無暇,適當的殘響讓聽者仿佛置身於小酒館現場, 正是Per Angkvist看家本領。一張令全球樂迷瘋狂不已的爵士改編發燒天碟,定是您不容錯過的極品聲音。 曲目: 01.It’s too Late (new jazz interpretation of Carole King’s No.1 Single) 02.Message in a Bottle (new jazz interpretation of Sting’s Hit Song) 03. Here Comes the Rain Again (new jazz interpretation of Eurythmics’s Hit Song) 04.I Feel the Earth Move (new jazz interpretation of Carole King’s Classic) 05.I’m Still Standing (new jazz interpretation of Elton John’s Classic) 06.Let Me Touch You for Awhile (new jazz interpretation of Alison Krauss’s Classic) 07.Can’t Hide Love (new jazz interpretation of Earth,Wind & Fire’s Hit Song) 08.Is It A Crime (new jazz interpretation of Sade’s Hit Song) 09.I Can’t Help It (new jazz interpretation of Michael Jackson’s Classic) 10.In The Waiting Line (new jazz interpretation of Zero 7’s Hit Song) 11.Money (new jazz interpretation of Pink Floyd’s Classic) 12.Dazed & Confused (new jazz interpretation of Led Zepplin’s Classic) |