相較於巴哈同時期以英國樣式所作的「英國組曲」, 於1722年左右創作的「法國組曲」的規模較小,但結構更為簡潔洗鍊。其中第一至五號組曲收錄在巴哈題獻給妻子的「安娜·瑪格達蓮娜小品集」中,洋溢著溫暖的情感、清新優雅的歌唱性,是巴哈作品中最受樂迷喜愛的鍵盤曲目之一。 出生於莫斯科的鋼琴大師伊凡吉尼.柯洛里奧弗(Evgeni Koroliov)在這張錄音中彈奏一臺Steinway D-274型鋼琴,TACET的王牌錄音師Andreas Spreer採用真空管麥克風將現場的空間感與鋼琴動人的質感完全真實收錄,音色自然透明,迷人至極。 柯洛里奧弗的詮釋充滿創意,清晰而簡潔,運指之間流洩出豐富的感情,已然達到巴哈音樂中的最高境界,此一版本勢必掀起一陣瘋狂的搶購熱潮! 曲目: CD1 Suite I d-Moll BWV 812 01. Allemande 02. Courante 03. Sarabande 04. Menuet I - Menuet II - Menuet I 05. Gigue Suite II c-Moll BWV 813 06. Allemande 07. Courante 08. Sarabande 09. Air 10. Menuet 11. Gigue Suite III h-Moll BWV 814 12. Allemande 13. Courante 14. Sarabande 15. Anglaise 16. Menuet - Trio - Menuet 17. Gigue CD2 Suite IV Es-Dur BWV 815 01. Allemande 02. Courante 03. Sarabande 04. Gavotte 05. Air 06. Menuet 07. Gigue Suite V G-Dur BWV 816 08. Allemande 09. Courante 10. Sarabande 11. Gavotte 12. Bourrée 13. Loure 14. Gigue |
There is little to say about the skill of Evgeni Koroliov, the Russian pianist who has settled in Germany, which has not been said already. Ligeti’s famous saying that he would choose to take Koroliov’s recording of the “Art of Fugue” (TACET 13) to a desert island, where he was "lonely and thirsting", has been frequently quoted; and Koroliov’s almost unbelievable capability of expressing each part in a polyphonic piece as clearly as if it were an individual person has been given many accolades. Those listeners who love his piano performance, and his Bach in particular, need no explanations of how subtly he expresses the nuances of the mood of individual moments and even individual notes. It is for all these people that he has made a new recording of Bach’s French Suites – two CDs for the price of one. Tracks |