1891年布拉姆斯遇見了豎笛演奏家理查謬菲爾德(Richard Muhlfeld),深受豎笛甜美的音色所感,而完成了這首充滿哀傷氣息的「a小調豎笛三重奏」與作品編號115的「豎笛五重奏」。這張專輯收錄的另一首曲目是1924年發現的「A大調鋼琴三重奏」手稿,推斷為布拉姆斯所譜寫,寫成時間應該比第一號鋼琴三重奏(op.8)還早,是布拉姆斯少年時的作品,不過卻依然展現出大師的風範與絕妙的管弦技法。 擔綱演出這兩首精彩三重奏的阿貝格三重奏成軍超過三十年,是古典樂壇的超級三重奏,同時也是TACET的王牌樂團。最與眾不同的,這三位演奏家在演出時所演奏的都是歷史名琴,音質光澤水嫩,音色飽滿活生,透過TACET獨家的真空管麥克風錄音技術,完全捕捉到美妙無比的松香味與木頭味,讓人陶醉不已! 曲目: CD1 01. Allegro 02. Adagio 03. Andantino grazioso 04. Allegro Trio für Klavier, Violine und Violoncello A-Dur op.posth. 05. Moderato 06. Vivace 07. Lento 08. Presto |
Are there really that many piano trios by Brahms? There are indeed, even though one work on this CD could not prove this. - The Abegg Trio now present their fourth CD with works by Johannes Brahms! And once more, as with Volume III, Gerrit Zitterbart, Ulrich Beetz and Birgit Erichson played historical instruments, and gut strings were used. Martin Spangenberg plays a copy of a clarinet by Richard Mühlfeld, who inspired Brahms’ later clarinet works. - The recording was made in a small church near Vienna. The Abegg Trio never fail to astound us with their timelessly modern, unsentimental, accurate, thorough and yet truly sensitive interpretation of the score. |