本片是德國發燒名廠TACET繼經典系列『古董真空管萬歲』一、二集之後又一曠世傑作。片中收錄莫扎特膾炙人口的弦樂小夜曲及嬉遊曲,雖然同曲目錄音版本已不計其數,但是真正能用錄音效果表現出弦樂的柔美清甜,大概只有這張專輯了。 全碟以真空管麥克風收錄現場最真實的堂音與氛圍,音效活靈活現,弦樂群質感綿密厚重,透明感一流,就連微小細膩的擦弦都聽得一清二楚。優美的音樂質感,定位明晰的音場表現,高超卓然的細節捕捉,不愧是當今發燒界中的極品,加上團員們絕佳的默契搭配,還有那溫柔飽暖的甜美錄音,細膩無瑕的完滿表現就好像您府上的私人樂團一般,值得您細細品味,這張『古董真空管之夜』是張能帶給您全家一個甜美而愉快夜晚的迷人唱片。 曲目 CD1 01-04. Serenade in G >> Eine kleine Nachtmusik << KV 525 19:57 05-07. Divertimento in D KV 136 (125a) 17:31 08-10. Divertimento in B ( B flat Major ) KV 137 (125b) 14:04 11-13. Divertimento in F KV 138 (125c) 12:34
"Get yourself vaccinated in time! The rococo red Mozart flood is looming on the horizon. In jubilee year it will bring us a plague of catchy tunes, also known as earworms, which you are advised to immunise yourself against to save your ear passages from clogging up. Particular risk of infection is expected from Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik K 525 [.....]It is as if the veins of a well-preserved mummy long frozen in glacier ice were to be refilled with living blood and spirits and return to life from eternal cryofication. At one point Mozart jumps so cheekily from G major to E flat major that one cannot help laughing. The old surprises can still spring themselves on us as if they were new. This last movement might be famous but it is too nimble to whistle along to and too lively to be an “earworm”. So it is the best immunisation, and the treatment can, by the way, be applied to the surround sound listener via five speakers." (Die Zeit, Volker Hagedorn) |