有鑑於音樂史料的傳遞,TACET不計成本找來當代「留聲鋼琴」傳奇工程師 Hans W. Schmitz,精心調校 Welte Mignon,並搬出最頂級的史坦威D型帝王琴來擔綱演奏,將理查.史特勞斯當年所演奏的「莎樂美」、「英雄的生涯」等鋼琴作品完美呈獻。 千萬不要以為這是歷史錄音,因為只有外行人才會這樣說,本片運用高科技,重現古典音樂的黃金年代,加上TACET招牌的真空管錄音,讓人得以一窺百年前理查.史特勞斯的演奏風範。晶瑩剔透的琴韻盡在其中,無論是音質還是音色,神情精妙宛如大師親臨演出,真是叫人感動。
曲目: CD1 Richard Strauss (1864-1949) 01.Salome, Fragments 02.Salome, Dance Of The Seven Veils 03.A Hero’s Life, Love Scene 04.Fire Famin, Love Scene Mood Pictures op.9 05.No.1 : On The Silent Forest Path Mood Pictures op.9 06.No.2 : The Lonely Waters 07.No.3 : Intermezzo 08.No.4 : Reverie 09.Cecilia, op.27, 2 10.Secret Invitation, op.27, 3 |
This is not an historical recording. Yet mysteriously the music is performed in an interpretation which is historically authentic down to the last detail. The key to this mystery is: the original performer was present at the recent recording session, but not physically: the music is heard on a modern Steinway. Never has music stored in the Welte-Mignon system sounded so ”right” or so well. Thanks to TACET’s much-praised recording technique, and because the Welte-Mignon memory system and sound production mechanism have now been newly adjusted for the fi rst time by the leading expert in the fi eld – and are thus able to meet TACET’s requirements. (Welte-Mignon was invented in 1904.) The Welte-Mignon mystery can now speak to us without distortion. What is "Welte Mignon"? Video on the Welte Mignon piano with the expert Hans W. Schmitz |