英文品名: Horowitz, Lhevinne, Ney, Pachmann, Paderewski, Sauer, Schnabel and others today playing their 1904-1928 interpretations. Peter Orth playing today / THE WELTE-MIGNON-MYSTERY VOL. IV Dead of Alive
即使市面上已發行無數蕭邦「練習曲」的版本,但TACET所推出的「留聲鋼琴」版本,卻第一次讓愛樂者如此接近大師演出! 本片收錄有塞爾金、霍洛維玆、艾希波夫等二十世紀初期鋼琴大師的精采演出,雖然錄音時間遠在1904~1928年,但這絕對不是一般歷史錄音,而是先透過紙捲紀錄,完整捕捉大師們當年的演奏風采,再運用現代科技加以還原,紙捲透過最頂級的史坦威D型帝王琴演奏,加上TACET一貫的真空管錄音掛保證,音樂之活生感遠勝任何歷史錄音,細微程度,就連鋼琴踏板的使用也都能鉅細靡遺地呈現,令人不得不讚嘆TACET靚絕的錄音功力。誰說聆聽偉大經典錄音非得一定要忍受炒豆般的雜音? 曲目: CD1 1.Frederic Chopin : Etudes op.10 : op. 101 P.Orth 2.op. 102 P.Orth 3.op. 103 I.J. Paderewski 4.op. 104 R. Serkin 5.op. 105 A. Schnabel 6.op. 106 R. Ganz 7.op. 107 A. Essipova 8.op. 108 V. Horowitz 9.op. 109 P.Orth 10.op. 1010 E. Schelling 11.op. 1011 T. Lambrino 12.op. 1012 G. Galston 13.Etudes op.25 : op. 251 A. Cionca 14.op. 252 A. Schnabel 15.op. 253 E. Schelling 16.op. 254 P.Orth 17.op. 255 P.Orth 18.op. 256 A. Cory 19.op. 257 E. Ney 20.op. 258 T. Lambrino 21.op. 259 E. von Sauer 22.op. 2510 J. Lhevinne 23.op. 2511 R. Serkin 24.op. 2512 J. Lhevinne |
This is not an historical recording. Yet mysteriously the music is performed in an interpretation which is historically authentic down to the last detail. The key to this mystery is: the original performer was present at the recent recording session, but not physically: the music is heard on a modern Steinway. Never has music stored in the Welte-Mignon system sounded so "right" or so well - so unadulterated that it need not fear comparison with a living pianist! Can you tell the difference: dead or alive? What is "Welte Mignon"? Video on the Welte Mignon piano with the expert Hans W. Schmitz |