很少音響系統能夠唱出好聽的聲音,假若您沒仔細先看過CD說明,一定會無法辨認,CD中演奏的樂器到底是小提琴還是大提琴?因為其中演奏的曲目,通常是由小提琴或是大提琴演奏的,但是聽起來又不像,到底是怎麼回事?因為這些曲子都改編成以中提琴來演奏。 TACET當家中提琴手林德曼Hartmut Lindemann,古典名曲重新改編,以中提琴拉奏詮釋系列另一強片,本身也是小提琴家的他,早年跟隨許多古典大師習藝,造就了其日後無懈可擊的演奏技巧。 中提琴的音域大約在130Hz-1048Hz (28-65鍵)之間,演奏起來音色美,但是為何您在這張CD中聽不到優美的中提琴聲呢? 其實是您的音響系統,無法完整再生中提琴那非常細微的冬瓜纖毛,也就是細微的擦絃聲。一旦少了中提琴的細微擦弦聲,冬瓜閉著眼睛摸起來就好像是西瓜,表面一片光滑。 或許您有好幾張TACET的CD,對於這廠牌錄音品質印象良好,但是這張〈舒曼、舒伯特、帕格尼尼中提琴改編作品集〉卻是真的需要有高品質高規格的播放系統,才能過關,對於各位發燒友來說,這可是不可多得的超級測試片,想試看看您音響極限嗎? 這片絕對是您首選中的首選! 曲目: CD1 1.Sonate d-Moll fur Violine und Klavier op. 121 Einrichtung der Violastimme: Hartmut Lindemann Ziemlich langsam - lebhaft 2.Sehr lebhaft 3.Leise, einfach 4.Bewegt 5.Sonate a-Moll fur Arpeggione und Klavier D 821 Allegro moderato 6.Adagio 7.Allegretto 8.Sonata for viola and pianoforte Elegy. Adagio e mesto 9.Waltz. Quasi improvisatore 10.Toccata. Allegro ma non troppo 11.Caprice no. 9 Allegretto 12.Der Zephir |
Hartmut Lindemann very rarely records a CD. This new one is only his fifth in fifteen years, anxiously awaited by his fans. The meticulous care he devotes to the production is all the greater. He structures his programmes as recitals in the old-fashioned sense, varied collections of witty, sensitive and virtuoso pieces; so it is no surprise that when he is asked about his artistic roots he only mentions a few role models from the early twentieth century. He plays the Arpeggione Sonata with guitar accompaniment instead of piano. This is not surprising, as the work was not composed for the viola, but for the arpeggione with piano. And his rendering of Schumann’s D Minor Sonata is most unusual when played on a viola. This recording must surely overshadow many a violin version. The recital is rounded off by a little recording of Hubay’s Zephyr, written in 1982. |