頂級紙捲鋼琴錄音再現 奧地利鋼琴大師許納貝爾原音重現 德國發燒大廠TACET 真空管發燒工藝 再次精采出輯 奧地利鋼琴家、作曲家兼音樂教育家阿圖 許納貝爾(Arthur Schnabel),生於奧地利猶太家庭的許納貝爾,雖然身材不高,卻天生有寬大手掌,自7歲開始學琴 ,第二年就開演奏會,9歲時搬到維也納,随雷協悌茲基(Theodor Leschetizky)學琴,鑽研德奥風格的曲目,特别是貝多芬、莫札特、布拉姆斯和舒伯特等人的作品;之後就於在柏林國立高等音樂學院擔任鋼琴教授,1927年,在貝多芬逝世100周年紀念活動中,他在柏林演奏了貝多芬的32首鋼琴奏鳴曲 ,獲得外界一致肯定,奠定其鋼琴大師的地位與名聲。 本張專輯中,收錄了許納貝爾演奏巴哈、蕭邦、布拉姆斯等大師的錄音作品,輕脆剔透快速的鋼琴觸鍵音質,令人耳朵為之一亮。Tacet的溫暖通透的真空管發燒錄音,不僅表現在室內樂、弦樂上,也表現在鋼琴觸鍵上,這段音樂可為明證。尤其是許納貝爾難得的紙捲歷史錄音,透過Tacet令人驚豔且效果卓著的「迷孃」系統,展現了令人百聽不膩的高傳真度,絕對值得您收藏品味。 曲目: CD1 1.Josef Strauß /Dorfschwalben aus Österreich, Walzer op. 164 2.Franz Schubert /Impromptudes op. 90 Nr. 4 As-Dur (D 899) 3.Josef Lanner /Altwiener Walzer 4.Franz Schubert /Valses nobles op. 77 (D 969)Nr. 1 - 6, 8 - 10 , 12 5.Johannes Brahms /Klavierstücke op. 119Nr. 3 Intermezzo C-Dur 6.Frédéric Chopin /Etüden op. 25 Nr. 2 f-Moll 7.Carl Maria von Weber /Aufforderung zum Tanz, Walzer op. 65 8.Johann Sebastian Bach /Englische SuitenGigue e-Moll 9.Frédéric Chopin /Etüden op. 10Nr. 5 Ges-Dur 10.Nocturne g-Moll op.15 Nr. 3Frédéric Chopin 11.Franz Schubert /Drei Klavierstücke D 946Nr. 2 Es-Dur 12.Johann Sebastian Bach /Toccata G-Dur BWV 916 |
This is not an historical recording. Yet mysteriously the music is performed in an interpretation which is historically authentic down to the last detail. The key to this mystery is: the original performer was present at the recent recording session, but not physically: the music is heard on a modern Steinway. Never has music stored in the Welte-Mignon system sounded so "right" or so well. Thanks to TACET′s much-praised recording technique, and because the Welte-Mignon memory system and sound production mechanism have now been newly adjusted for the first time by the leading expert in the field - and are thus able to meet TACET′s requirements. (Welte-Mignon was invented in 1904.) The Welte-Mignon mystery can now speak to us without distortion. What is "Welte Mignon"? Video on the Welte Mignon piano with the expert Hans W. Schmitz |