Evgeni Koroliov & Ljupka Hadzigeorgieva, piano / THE KOROLIOV SERIES VOL. VIII Franz Schubert Fantasia in F minor D 940 Sonata Grand Duo D 812 本片收錄舒伯特最美的兩首雙鋼琴演奏曲。在兩位鋼琴家的演繹下交織纏綿,引人入勝!另外,一直被鋼琴家們列為私房曲目的鋼琴奏鳴曲「大二重奏」也收錄其中。 大開大闔的氣勢與綿密細膩的演繹,被TACET錄音技術精準又活生地收錄在CD之中,遼闊的空間感與史坦威D-274型平台鋼琴特有的帝王級重量感,都可讓人很清楚地感受到。而豐富多變的琴音變化與強弱分明的觸鍵,對兩位鋼琴家的默契與技巧更是一大考驗,兩位鋼琴家無論在音色的和諧度,還是演奏上的技巧都配合得天衣無縫,讓琴音與情緒完美地融為一體。本片在錄音效果、演繹水準,以及音樂性,都稱得上是鋼琴演奏中的不朽典範! 曲目: CD1 |
First here is the good news for all Evgeni Koroliov fans: Koroliov also plays in a piano duet, with his wife Ljupka Hadzigeorgieva; and not just since yesterday. He has been doing so for the last thirty (!) years. When TACET released the first solo recording by Evgeni Koroliov in 1990 (TACET 13 The Art of Fugue), a disc which composer György Ligeti was later to comment on, saying that it was the only one he would like to have with him on a desert island – many people wondered why they had not heard about this pianist before. In a strange way a similar thing has happened with the Koroliov piano duo. Here, yet again - with the exception of a special recording with a quite unusual repertoire – TACET is releasing the first recording by the Koroliov Duo. The fact that these two pianists are going public thirty years after beginning their joint career may seem puzzling, but says a lot about the seriousness with which they have approached these great works by Franz Schubert. |