舒伯特的八重奏是以貝多芬的七重奏為基礎,再加上第二把小提琴,使得聽感上弦樂群與管樂群變成勢均力敵的局面,整體比較接近小型管弦樂團的演出形式,兩個部分時而對話、時而競爭、時而唱和、時而疏離,在在都考驗著演出者的默契與對樂曲的理解程度。 TACET出色的錄音效果,讓所有的細節忠實流露,八件樂器的大小形體與分佈都極為寫實的在音場中浮現,可說是達到真實自然的最高境界,無怪乎一推出就獲得歐陸各大音樂媒體的一致讚揚,喜愛室內樂的樂迷絕對不可錯過! 曲目: CD1 Octet in F major D 803 - op.posth. 166 01. Adagio - Allegro 02. Adagio 03. Allegro vivace 04. Andante 05. Menuetto. Allegretto Andante molto - Allegro |
Where is Freden? After this new recording of Schubert’s Octet it is high time to find the answer. [...] Such an enthralling and daring Schubert interpretation as this is something you won’t get to hear every day – not even every holiday. It is magic, surprising and unpredictable from the first bar to the last. (klassik-heute.com) Camerata freden presents Schubert`s great Octet in an interpretation that opens up a world of extremes. This TACET recording combines a Bruckner-like insistence, unobtrusively witty playing, delicately interwoven melodic lines and irresistible enthusiasm. It moves from climax to climax (...). Following on the outstanding CD and DVD of Beethoven`s Septet op. 20 and Octet op. 103, the ensemble`s unique quality is confirmed once again. |