The Tube Only Violin / Daniel Gaede, Violin & Xuesu Liu, Piano 「醇美之音」 - 古董真空管萬歲之小提琴篇 / 丹尼爾蓋德(小提琴)、劉學述(鋼琴) 征服全台發燒友,錄音史上的傳奇鉅作!本片採用聲音醇美厚實、地位傳奇的Neumann U47麥克風進行錄音,再透過真空管來放大訊號,最後呈現出自然真實、靚絕通透的細緻音色。這是繼Tacet 74 -『古董真空管萬歲』之後,又一張以罕見的古董真空管為號召的唱片,收錄了柴可夫斯基「藝術歌曲」、艾爾加「愛的禮讚」、舒伯特「聖母頌」、馬斯奈「泰綺斯瞑想曲」等耳熟能詳的作品,小提琴的柔美配上鋼琴的豐盈,絕對令您聽出耳油。同時在小提琴家丹尼爾蓋德與鋼琴家劉學述天衣無縫的默契配合之下,動人程度無以復加。 『如果音響迷錯過了這張,那幾乎是不可饒恕的錯誤。 CD 中雖然只有小提琴與鋼琴兩樣樂器,但是小提琴的音質音色與錄音的質感確是最高級的,其真實性就宛若有人站在旁邊演奏般。 倘若您聽了卻仍感覺不到小提琴的真實,那麼就請您以這張 CD 做為《試金石》調整音響,直到小提琴真實為止。』 -《音響論壇》總編輯 - 劉漢盛 |
"A veritable audiophile delicacy - lovingly preserved historic microphones, a mixing desk consisting of nostalgic V72 amplifiers and W85 regulators, the analogue M5 Telefunken tape recorder - each item a legend in itself! May we proudly present this illustrious combination of equipment, here to preserve beautiful music “TUBE ONLY”, in other words without transistors. The CD leaflet is illustrated with impressive colour photos. Available on CD and even on LP (180g, recorded without the use of transistors). And what about the music? (This is the question music lovers ask nervously whenever the word ""audiophile"" crops up.) Answer: nothing but the best! As is always the case with this violinist, whether he is acting as leader of the Gaede Trio or solo (e. g. on TACET 52 ""Hommage à Kreisler""). With skill and discernment, Daniel Gaede serves us a unique encore menu of virtuoso prize exhibits and enjoyable dream-pieces. He is accompanied by Xuesu Liu on piano and the Polish Chamber Orchestra conducted by Wojciech Rajski. " |