本張唱片收錄了三首來自浪漫時期大師『蕭邦』以及『蓋德』的作品,並利用Tacet引以為傲的真空管錄音器材來炮製而成。各樂器的形體幾可跳出框架,栩栩如生之感令人分不出真實與虛幻之間的差異。即使以「完美」二字來形容,也許還是無法道盡這張唱片的真正精粹所在。 片中第一軌到第五軌是出自於「鋼琴詩人」-『蕭邦』之手,這也是他生平當中唯一的三重奏作品,珍貴稀有不言而喻,浪漫的曲風、即興的創作,皆讓人感染到『蕭邦』他那與眾不同的幽柔特質。此外,專輯中也收錄了兩首十九世紀作曲家『蓋德』的三重奏作品,充滿著詩意般的音樂氣息,教人心醉神往、流連忘返。粒粒音符都深刻地描繪出這兩位作曲家歷經粹鍊後的圓融意境,演奏者以成熟圓融的技巧與默契,以輕易地營造出有如旋轉馬車的輪旋與恬淡氛圍,內部的情感抒發是收斂的,溫和不帶多餘的刺激成分。 一張能輕易觸動心靈最底層的真正大師之作,一聽就讓人全身酥麻的音樂,不需要任何酒精,就足以醉倒眾人一片。罕見的曲目,權威的演奏,加上好得不像話的錄音成效,您還在猶豫什麼? 曲目: CD1 |
"For twenty-five years Ulrich Beetz, Birgit Erichson and Gerrit Zitterbart have been making music together as the "Abegg Trio": and there can be no doubt that this is a very special recording which this trio, the winner of so many awards, has brought out to celebrate their silver jubilee. It is one which the Abeggs have obviously treated themselves to, because the Piano Trio op. 8 by Frederic Chopin, the Piano Trio op. 42 and the Novelettes op. 29 by Niels Wilhelm Gade are outstanding for the calm and meticulous care which has arisen from long practice with these works. [...]" (Kulturspiegel) |