一世紀的奇蹟再現 百年前的搖擺節奏 最尖端的音響技術 躍出一道最經典的樂章 德國發燒大廠TACET,代表性系列「The Welte Mignon Mystery紙捲鋼琴系列」再次推出該系列新作〈Swing Welte :The Welte Mignon Mystery Vol.XVIII〉,收錄1907-1928年間,包括蓋希文等歐洲各家鋼琴家之彈奏紙捲錄音,不同於此系列之前的純正古典樂作品,本專輯收錄了充滿爵士風味的小品曲集,帶給聽眾不同的紙捲鋼琴錄音體驗。 TACET擁有最頂級的紙捲鋼琴(Welte Mignon)系統,將這些紙捲錄音,精準而美妙的於現代的史坦威名琴上呈現,再以TACET歐洲最頂級的錄音科技來錄製進專輯;這些將進一世紀以前的類比錄音資料,用它們從未表現過的「精準」、「完美」,TACET在古典發燒領域領頭羊的技術,在此「The Welte Mignon Mystery紙捲鋼琴系列」中,完完全全嶄露無遺。 曲目: CD1 01.Just Another Day Wasted Away 02.Russian Rag 03.Sam, The Old Akkordeon Man 04.The Whistling Rufus 05.When You Waltz With The One You Love 06.Tulip Time 07.Sometimes I 08.Blue Skies 09.Yearning 10.The Wedding Glide 11.Just a Little Longer 12.I Am In Love Again 13.Pobre Percanta! 14.Mine 15.Will You Remember 16.Smiles 17.Idolizing 18.So Blue |
Whoever is interested in TACET's "Welte Mystery Series," long unique for its range, completeness, state of research and sound quality, has known for a long time that the Welte firm, once admired as a wonder of the world, not only issued 2500 piano rolls with recordings of famous composers and pianists, but also largely lived from the sale of rolls with entertainment music. So just 2000 more rolls were made, all with a content of greater or lesser music-historical importance. It was sad enough that the Welte piano increasingly replaced bar pianists and dance bands during the 1920s. One advantage they had was that it was not more expensive when more than 10 fingers played. I myself once saw, unobserved, such a mechanical instrument in the corner of a pub in the Black Forest near Freiburg. Our Welte series would not be representative of the Welte catalogue if at least one CD did not contain some of the best music from this area. Hans W. Schmitz, the owner of all these treasures and a specialist in the alignment of Welte pneumatics, disappeared into his basement and, from his many hundreds of rolls, got out 50 of them that have a lot to offer. Of these, we are presenting the 18 best rolls. We already know George Gershwin, but do we also know Howard Lutter or Hans Sommer? What is "Welte Mignon"? Video on the Welte Mignon piano with the expert Hans W. Schmitz |