TACET211 羅傑Hanschel: 為薩克斯風與弦樂四重奏所寫的七段音樂 / 奧雲四重奏 Niederschlagsmengen / Auryn Quartet

Roger Hanschel: Music for saxophone and string quartet in 7 movements / Auryn Quartet,Roger Hanschel (saxophone)
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0211-0 CD

The Auryn Series


Roger Hanschel: Music for saxophone 
and string quartet in 7 movements
Auryn Quartet
Roger Hanschel, saxophone

EAN/barcode: 4009850021100

出生於1964年的Roger Hanschel是德國知名的薩克斯風演奏家,他曾經與鋼琴家Hans Ludemann、貝斯手Rainer Linke,以及鼓手Klaus Mages在1983年組成Nana樂團。這首「為薩克斯風與弦樂四重奏所寫的七段音樂」創作於1998年,距離這張專輯錄音的2013年已經15年,現在聽來依舊前衛。2001年他曾與奧雲弦樂四重奏合作到南美洲巡迴演出,種下這次錄音的因緣。整張專輯的音樂風格非常難以歸類,時而古典、時而爵士、同時又融入流行與現代音樂的元素。

01.Regernation & Blend
02.Fundamental Vibration Of The Inner Nowhere
03.Was Weite Herzen Fullt
04.Change Follows Vision
07.Slow Pulsation

The saxophone plays a long, lonely melody. The tones seem to get lost in a vast, empty space, but before that happens, other voices speak up - string instruments. They sink into one's ears and, through their nervous, slow steadiness, start to excite -
Roger Hanschel approaches classical music from another angle. What may initially appear as constant or slowly changing repetitions of patterns in unusual metres - offering the platform for lyrical excursions, expressive outbursts or virtuoso escapades, often but not always by the saxophone - reveals itself to be a metamorphosis of classical forms of composition in an unaccustomed environment, of themes that wander through the instrumental parts and much more. Indian music emerges, sequences of tones that sound Ottoman, minimal music, jazz in all forms and variations and indeed, "classical music" - but honestly, what does "classical" mean today? A cliché by which each person understands something different. Reason enough, then, to follow the Auryn Quartet's need to do something different in between. Incidentally, the Auryn Quartet embarks on such excursions from its ancestral "conventional" world time and time again. Here, they offer the well-known Cologne "Saxophone Mafioso" Roger Hanschel an opportunity to show his mastership in both composition and improvisation. With insatiable curiosity, Roger Hanschel has absorbed the various components of world music and created his very own personal mixture from it. And he is a stupendous virtuoso who knows how to apply new playing techniques - including permanent breathing, for example – in a (not?) breathtaking way.