美國薩克斯風大師史考特漢米爾頓(Scott Hamilton)與瑞典鋼琴巨星Jan Lundgren,低音提琴手Hans Backenroth及鼓手Kristian Leth四重奏演繹多首丹麥傳統歌曲,丹麥爵士樂和流行音樂名曲如: In Love With Copenhagen, Montmartre Blues, My
曲目: 1 Forelsket i Kobenhavn / In Love With Copenhagen 2 Dansevise / Dance Song 3 Havnen / The Wharf 4 Alley Cat 5 Det var en lordag aften / On a Saturday Night 6 Take it Easy 7 Montmartre Blues 8 My Little Anna 9 I skovens dybe stille ro / In the Still of the