英國爵士樂第一夫人克萊瑪婷(Claire Martin)在三十多年的職業生涯中,贏得了全世界的好評並獲得了許多獎項,包括八項英國爵士樂獎,並在 2022 年議會爵士獎中被評為年度爵士歌手。(I Watch You Sleep)是紀念著名作曲家Richard Rodney Bennett逝世10 週年精心策劃的專輯,Richard Rodney Bennett是一位在爵士樂、電影和古典音樂界同樣享有盛譽的音樂家,專輯精選多首Bennett的經典作品和他喜歡表演的歌曲,由多才多藝的的藝術家Scott Dunn精心編曲和指揮,Claire Martin和皇家愛樂管弦樂團合作演繹。這是一張令人驚艷的作品,Claire Martin展現完美的歌聲,無論是與管弦樂團、爵士三重奏或是鋼琴二重奏搭配,都能融入自己的風格,非常精彩!
1. I Watch You Sleep
2. Autumn in New York
3. It's Only a Paper Moon
4. For Ev'ry Man There's a Woman/It Was Written in the Stars
5. Round About
6. I'll Always Leave the Door a Little Open
7. I Wish I'd Met You
8. Don't Play Games With Love
9. Goodbye for Now
10. Early to Bed
11. I Never Went Away
12. Let's Go and Live in the Country
13. Not Exactly Paris
14. My Ship
15.I Wonder What Became of Me
16.It Was Written in the Stars